Fastjson 使用
字符串和 JSON 对象和 JAVA 对象之间如何互转。
JSONObject 互转
String to JSONObject
JSONObject j = JSON.parseObject(str);
JSONObject to String
String str = j.toJSONString();
转成字符串时默认会将 null
值去掉,若想要保留,需要添加 SerializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue
String str = j.toString(SerializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue);
String to JavaBean
T t = JSON.parseObject(str, T.class);
JavaBean to String
String str = JSON.toJSONString(t);
同样,若想要保留 null
值,需要添加 SerializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue
String str = JSON.toJSONString(t, erializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue);
JSONObject to JavaBean
T t = j.toJavaObject(T.class);
JavaBean to JSONObject
JSONObject j = (JSONObject) JSON.toJSON(t);
JSONArray 互转
String to JSONArray
JSONArray j = JSON.parseArray(str);
JSONArray to String
String str = j.toJSONString();
同样,若想要保留 null
值,需要添加 SerializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue
String str = j.toString(SerializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue);
String to JavaList
List<T> list = JSON.parseArray(str, T.class);
JavaList to String
String str = JSON.toJSONString(list);
同样,若想要保留 null
值,需要添加 SerializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue
String str = JSON.toJSONString(list, erializerFeature.WriteMapNullValue);
JSONArray to JavaList
List<T> list = j.toJavaList(T.class);
JavaList to JSONArray
JSONArray j = (JSONArray) JSON.toJSON(list);
Last modified on 2020-10-28